We recently learned of the death of Professor Peter Faulkner (1933-2024). Click here to read a tribute to him.

We were saddened to hear news of the passing of Professor Francis O’Gorman (1967-2024). Click here to read a tribute to him.

BAVS mourns the loss of Professor Rosemary Mitchell (1966-2021). Click here to read a tribute to her.

BAVS now awards an annual book prize in Rosemary Mitchell’s honour. Click here for further information.

Founded in 2000, The British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) is a multidisciplinary organisation dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge about the Victorian period. It has over 600 members based in the UK and beyond, drawn both from the academic community and the general public. Our members have a wide range of interests in the nineteenth century, including art history, cultural studies, history, literary studies, performance studies and the history of science.

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