Hardy Study Day: The Woodlanders

Saturday 22nd of April 2017The Corn Exchange, Dorchester

The Thomas Hardy Society, in association with the University of Exeter Centre for Victorian Studies, presents this Hardy Day, the first of what is hoped to be an annual event.

The day of talks, seminars and inter-active displays, will focus on The Woodlanders, on the 130th anniversary of the publication of what Hardy once called his ‘best novel’.  Phillip Mallett will give a keynote lecture on the novel, Dr. Ken Ireland will discuss the film/theatre adaptation history, there will be a presentation on the Dorset County Museum’s Hardy Archive and a workshop exploring Hardy’s correspondence at the time of writing the novel.  There will also be papers on a variety of aspects of this work.

The conference fee of £15 or £8 student/unwaged, includes a buffet lunch.  The day will officially end with a wine reception.  An evening meal will be held at a nearby retaurant for all those wishing to continue the festivities.  Open to students, academics and general readers.  For tickets apply to info@hardysociety.org.  Any other queries can be addressed to Tracy Hayes, via the same email address.

For further information see: http://www.hardysociety.org/eventsmanager/thomas-hardy-study-day

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