See below for current opportunities to join the BAVS Executive Committee.

Please note that all roles on the BAVS Executive Committee are unpaid and that applicants are expected to be members of the British Association for Victorian Studies.

The BAVS Executive Committee currently has three positions open. If you would like to be considered for one of the roles below, please send the Secretary, Dr Claire Wood, an email with a Statement of Interest (indicating your suitability for and interest in the position and how you propose to contribute) of 300 words maximum and a short CV (max 2 pages) by 5 pm (BST) 23 September 2024. (Contact: Please use the subject line: ‘BAVS Executive Committee Vacancies’.

It is anticipated that those in new roles will be appointed in time for the Autumn Committee Meeting.

Information for applicants 

BAVS Executive positions are usually held for a 3-year term (except the Postgraduate Rep roles which are a 2-year term). 

The BAVS Executive Committee usually meets for c. 3 hours, 3-4 times per year (one meeting usually takes place in conjunction with the annual Conference), and an AGM (also usually in conjunction with the Conference). The majority of meetings take place online, apart from those held in conjunction with the Conference.


All members of the BAVS Executive Committee (with the exception of the President, Treasurer and Secretary) will review funding applications (usually 1 x round per year) as part of their responsibilities, and participate in other ways in the standard business of the organisation. This might include the review of applications beyond the typical Funding streams, participation in mentoring events, involvement in the annual Conference organisation, participation in a sub-committee (e.g. the Rosemary Mitchell BAVS Book Prize panel), and other types of support.

All named officers should submit a report to the Secretary at least one week before each Executive Committee meeting for pre-circulation (reports can be shared when there is more than one person active in a role, e.g. PG Reps submit a single report, as do ECR reps), and reports will also be due for circulation to members prior to the AGM.

BAVS is committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Specific responsibilities related to vacant roles

2 x Postgraduate Representatives (2-year term)  

BAVS Postgraduate Reps are responsible for: running ‘The Victorianist’ WordPress site, which includes promoting and editing posts for the PGR blog and posting CFPs and other notices; running the @BAVS_PGs X/Twitter and @bavictorianstudies Instagram account; organising annual BAVS conference workshops aimed at postgraduates and/or early career researchers (usually 2-3 workshops); and attending and contributing to committee meetings. The PG reps may share some of these duties with the ECR reps (e.g. the PG/ECR workshops).

Those standing for the role of PG Rep are encouraged to discuss the demands of the role with their supervisor before applying.

1 x Funding Officer (3-year term)

The BAVS Funding Officer is responsible for: coordinating two BAVS funding rounds for 3 funding streams each year, including coordinating the review panels, processing results, writing to applicants, and liaising with the Digital and Social Media Officer to publish the results on the website. Responding to ad hoc queries about funding streams. Identifying, as appropriate, new potential funding streams.