Member Profile

Name: Almudena Jiménez Virosta Institution: University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Academic Status: Student Main Discipline: Comparative Literature – Hispanic Studies, English Literature and Art History
Additional Disciplines: Cultural Studies
Media Studies
Other Scholarly Societies: International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA)

Association suisse de littérature générale et comparée (ASLGC)

Sociedad Suiza de Estudios Hispánicos (SSEH)

British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS)

Asociación Internacional de Cervantistas (AIC)

Swiss Association for the study of Chapbooks and other cheap prints (Ephemera Helvetica)
Research Interests: I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Media Studies and Fine Arts from the University of Seville, Spain, and a Master’s in Hispanic Studies and Comparative Literature from the University of Geneva. As a Teaching and Research Assistant at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, I am currently pursuing a PhD focused on how European politics are reflected in literature and painting between 1600 and 1900, with a particular emphasis on Great Britain during this interval. Among others, my research explores topics such as the national spirit, the commodification of education, and the fabrication of evidence and truth. Alongside this project, and following my translation of several works from Mary Shelley’s late production, I am now preparing their annotated and critical edition.

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